Town Palembang is one of town ( ahead area level of II is having status municipality) at the same time is town mother from Provinsi Sumatra Selatan. Palembang is the biggest town second in Sumatra after Medan. This former town is center Kerajaan Sriwijaya before broken by Majapahit. Hitherto ex- area Kerajaan Sriwijaya there are still in Bukit Siguntang, in Palembang Barat.
After broken by various event of strarting from team incursion maritim barbar and insulation from majapahit, this town then hardly affecting Java culture and Melayu. Hitherto also this thing can be seen in its(the culture. One of them is is language. Words like " lawang ( door)", " massive ( banana)", be one of its(the example. Nobility title also having nuance Java, like Raden Mas/Ayu. Ommission mausoleums a period of Islam also doesn't differ in its(the form and pattern with Islam mausoleums in Java.
This town has community Tionghoa which big. Food typical of this area is pempek Palembang, tekwan, model, celimpungan, cake maksuba, cake 8 hour(clock, cake engkak, laxative agent, burgo, etc. Food like pempek or tekwan is impressing " Chinese" taste public Palembang.
Palembang is eldest town in Indonesia, this thing based on inscription Kedukan Bukit met in Bukit Siguntang, westside Kota Palembang, is expressing forming of a wanua interpreted as town which is capital of Kerajaan Sriwijaya on 16 Junes 683 Masehi. Hence the date is made birthday directive Kota Palembang.
Town Palembang also trusted by Malay public as its(the ancestor soil;land;ground. Because in town this is place lowering of first Melayu king genesis that is Parameswara is alighting from Bukit Siguntang. Then Parameswa leaves Palembang with Sang Nila Utama to go to Tumasik and given her name of Singapore to Tumasik. At the time Javanese Majapahit team will groan Singapore, Parameswara with its(the follower moves to Malaka is peninsula [by] Malaysia and builds Kerajaan Malaka. Some its(the descendants is also opens new country in area Pattani and Narathiwat ( now region Thailand part of south). After the happening of contact with the merchants and people Gujarat and Persian in Malaka, hence Parameswara its(the Islam admission and change name becomes Sultan Iskandar Syah.
Table of contents [ hides]
1 History
11 Phases Before Empire Sriwijaya
Its(The 12 collapse Phases Empire Sriwijaya
13 Sultanate Phases Palembang Darussalam
14 Colonialism Phases
2 Geographical Situation
21 Geographical positions
22 Climates and Topografi
23 Regional Boundaries
3 Goverment
4 Resident
5 Tourism
51 Athleticses
52 Arts and Budaya
53 Objects Wisata
54 Center Expenditures
55 Hotels
6 Transportation
7 External pranala
[ edit] History
Regularly, before a period of NKRI growth of divisible Kota Palembang become 5 main phase:
[ edit] Phase Before Empire Sriwijaya
Be darkness epoch, because considering Palembang there have been is far before army Sriwijaya builds a this town and area aborigin like the one written at old manuscript upriver Sungai Musi is resident from headwaters Sungai Komering.
[ edit] Its(The collapse Phase Empire Sriwijaya
Around Palembang and its surroundings then pops out local strengths like Panglima Bagus Kuning in going downstream Sungai Musi, Dither Si of Nature in area Perbukitan, Tuan Bosai and Junjungan Kuat in headwaters Sungai Komering, Commander Gumay alongside Mountain range etcetera. At phase this is Parameswara building Tumasik ( Singapore) and Kerajaan Malaka life, and at phase this is also happened contact physical of directly with the adventurers from Arab and Gujarat.
[ edit] Sultanate Phase Palembang Darussalam
Destruction Of Majapahit in Java indirectly gives share at strength of result stripper from Ekspedisi Pamalayu in Sumatra. Some important figures at the opposite of destruction of Majapahit like Raden Patah, Ario Dillah ( Ario Damar) and Pati Unus is tightly figures of its(the kaita with Palembang. After Sultanate Demak which is ' substitution ' from Majapahit in Java stands up, in Palembang a few moment later stands up also ' Sultanate Palembang Darussalam ' with ' Susuhunan Abddurrahaman Khalifatul Mukmiminin Sayyidul Iman ' as his(its first king. This empire marries two cultures, maritim ommission from Sriwijaya and agrarian from Majapahit and becomes center biggest commerce in Semenanjung Malaka during his(its. One of king that is most famous during this is Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II which have time to win thrice at encounter to fight against Europe ( Dutch and English).
[ edit] Colonialism Phase
After the fall of Sultanate Palembang Darussalam post failing it Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II at encounter fourthly fights against Dutch that is at the moment downwards with big strength of leader Jendral de Kock, hence Palembang almost become subordinate empire. Some Sultans after Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II is expressing yields to Dutch to try to rebel but all the his(its fails and ends in pembumihangusan of sultanate building to eliminate sultanate symbols. Then Palembang is divided to to become two big keresidenan, and settlement in Palembang is divided to to become area Ilir and Ulu.
Town Palembang has been targeted by President RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as ' Town Wisata Air ' on 27 Septembers 2005. President lays open that Kota Palembang can be made town wisata water like Bangkok, Thailand and Pnomh Phenh, Combodia.
The year 2008 Towns Palembang greets visit wisata by the name " Visit Musi 2008".
[ edit] Geographical Situation
[ edit] Geographical position
In gografis, Palembang lays in 2°59'27.99?LS 104°45'24.24?BT.Luas region Kota Palembang is 400,61 Kms² or 40061 Ha with height of average of 8 metre from sea level. Situation of Town Palembang enough strategic because passed by by pathway Pulau Sumatera connecting is interregional in Pulau Sumatera. Besides Town Palembang also there is Sungai Musi - what got through by Jembatan Ampera - what is functioning as supporting facilities for transportation and commerce between regions and is Kota Air consisted of 16 districts and 107 sub-districts.
[ edit] Climate and Topografi
Town Climate Palembang is trop. climate with damp wind nisbih, wind velocity ranges from 2,3 km/jam - 4,5 km/jam. Town Temperature ranges from 23,4 - 31,7 degree of celsius. Rainfall pertahun ranges from 2000 mm - 3000 mm. Dampness of air ranges from 75 - 89 % horizontally - plane of the sun irradiating 45 %. Soil;land;ground topography relatively flat and low. Only partly small town regions which its(the soil;land;ground lays in place which rather height at town upstate. Most of soil;land;ground is marshy area so that at the time of the area the rains is suffused. Height of average of 0 - 20 mdpl.
In the year 2002 temperatures a minimum of Kota Palembang happened Bulan Oktober 22,70C, highest of 24,50C in May, while low maximum temperature of 30,40C in January and highest in Sepetember 34,30C. Plain soil;land;ground is not suffused water : 49 %, Soil;land;ground suffused to be seasonal : 15 %, Soil;land;ground suffused to be continuous : 37 % and Jumlah river which still functioning 60 fruits ( from amounts before all 108) functioning the rest as primary dismissal channel. Tropical of relative damp, Temperature between 220-320 Celcius, Curah rain 22-428 mm / year, Ebb influence between 3-5 metre, and Ketinggian soil;land;ground average of 12 metre to sea level.
laminated Palembang Town Soil Type of alluvial, sandy and hard, lays in layer that is most young, many oleaginous of earth, also is recognized as dale Palembang - Jambi. Soil;land;ground relatively flat and low, place which rather located height is upstate [by] town. Some of towns Palembang is suffused water particularly if happened continuous rain.
[ edit] Regional Boundary
Northside; with Desa Pangkalan Benteng, Whirligig Countryside and Desa Kenten, District of Coconut Roof-Gutter, Sub-Province Banyuasin
Side South; with Desa Bakung Kecamatan Inderalaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir and Kecamatan Gelumbang Kabupaten Muara Enim
Westside; with Desa Sukajadi Kecamatan Talang Kelapa Kabupaten Banyuasin
Eastside; with Balai Makmur Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin
[ edit] Goverment
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